
At Blue Sky Society Trust, we’re passionate about being a voice for those who can’t speak. This includes the environment and all who inhabit it. Our activities include organising tree planting initiatives to educating communities about the environment.

Ongoing Projects

Trees for KZN
Destination: Kwazulu Natal

Never in the history of humankind, has environmental education and intervention been so important as it is now. With resources under pressure and wildlife under constant threat, people, children in particular, need to be taught to think critically and to understand that each action or choice they make, affects everything around them.

By spearheading projects ourselves or by partnering with organisations that are involved in extraordinary initiatives at grassroots levels, BSST is able to make a significant, positive impact in terms of mindsets and actions to help nurture and protect Mama Afrika. Please take a look below at some of the ongoing projects that we are involved in. There are many ways you can get involved and we’d love more hands on deck!

Generating momentum in the creating awareness about our planet and all things precious on it requires more than an ideological commitment. It requires consistent, measurable action strategically designed for maximum, positive impact. The environmental initiatives that BSST is involved in requires assistance on two fronts: sponsorships and execution. We truly believe that the little we do resolutely and consistently is making a huge impact in helping preserve our planet.

Past Projects

JWP03 Fire 2024
Destination: South Africa
Date: 1 to 14 June 2024
Nelson Mandela Ocean Day
EEP! Environmental Education Programme

Nelson Mandela Ocean Day

The oceans are our planet’s life support system yet, over the past decades, we have seen the systematic destruction of oceans due to pollution and

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